
  2021 - 2022
Project stakeholders: the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic, the Association for International Affairs (AMO)

National Convent on the future of the European Energy Market

As a Senior Energy Research Fellow and Consultant, under the auspices of AMO, I undertook an analysis of the current trends and policies on the European level with the aim of outlining the future of the European energy market, contracted by the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic.

I participated in the call for proposal, putting together a grant request and leading on a submission of a detailed research proposal.

The purpose of the project was to: (1) update national policy makers with the current trends in energy policy; (2) engage in a debate with national energy experts, and (3) align on the most pertinent issues. During the project, I accomplished an analytical background paper and presented its findings in front of over one hundred key stakeholders during a round table discussion of the national convention on the EU energy policy. Following the presentation, I led the debate with Czech policy makers, representatives from the industry, academia and civil society, answering questions and engaging in a dialogue.

Background paper can be consulted in Czech under this link.

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