
  2021 - 2024
Project participants: AirClim, Association for International Affairs (AMO), Bond Beter Leefmilieu (BBL), Carbon Market Watch, Germanwatch, the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC), Polish Green Network, the Green Tank, the World Information Service on Energy (WISE). Other stakeholders: European Commission, Bankwatch, European Climate Foundation


Emissions Trading Extra (ETX) is a LIFE project and a consortium of 10 organizations from different EU Member States that promote broader and robust civil society participation in policymaking and monitoring, as well as greater international collaboration to ensure that the ETS benefits the climate and the people. ETX also carries out scientific assessments and conducts capacity-building that will help empower civil society to engage in this extremely technical yet vital policy area.

Jan Svoboda represented with the consortium the Association for International Affairs and acted as a project manager and carbon market expert for the total duration of the project, conducting research, writing articles and talking to the national media on the functioning of carbon markets and how can they benefit the society. As part of the project, Jan co-authored a number of research studies and reports, including „Proliferating carbon markets: can the EU ETS drive climate action outside of the EU?“ and „Climate dividend in the environment of emissions trading in Slovakia“.

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